
Stonypoint Seed

Stonypoint Seed LLC > About

We are Stonypoint Seed LLC

The core principles that they used in designing this business are: Service, Family, Pricing, Fun, and Products.

Leadership through performance and service.
The Stonypoint name originated as Robert Stainbrook’s original property that was purchased in the 1950’s. The Stonypoint School sat on adjacent property and when the original house on the property burnt down, the abandoned school was moved to the farm and a family lived in it, until it burnt down. The home that currently sits on the property was built after that. The Stainbrook family at large has farmed in northern Linn county Kansas since the 1860’s. The Robert Stainbrook family has been farming at Stonypoint since the 1950’s when Robert purchased the property from his brother Charles.

Over 75 years has passed since Stonypoint started business with the Stainbrook Family. As the next generation prepares to farm, they decided to serve the local ag community. Larry and Son Ryan, along with his family (wife Ashley, children Kora, Mason, and Kane) decided to start Stonypoint Seed a business that has grown to provide:
• Seed
• Ag Chemical
• Bulk Direct Shipped Fertilizer
• Feed
• Vet Supplies
• Show and Farm Supplies
• Hunting and Wildlife Products
• Dots Homestyle Pretzels

Our customer base has grown to serve families as far North and West as Arapahoe NE, as Far east as Columbia, MO and as far south as Tulsa, OK. Our primary business serves the following counties: Linn, Miami, Johnson, Douglas, Franklin, Osage, Coffey, Anderson, Allen, Woodson, Bourbon, and Crawford Counties in Kansas. In Missouri: Cass, Bates, Vernon, Johnson, and Henry Counties. As our business continues to grow, we continue to promote 3 things:

1. Serve and Love others as Christ loved the church.
2. The most important aspect to farming is improving efficiency There are Two ways to improve efficiency Cut Costs and Improve Performance
3. Always look outside the box in problem solving; to many people in agriculture are stuck in the way they have been thinking for along time.

Contact Us


Stonypoint Seed LLC


Ryan Stainbrook
General Manager- Agronomy Lead
[email protected]

Ashley Stainbrook
Office Manager- Billing
[email protected]

Kaci Carter
Sales Consultant- Livestock Lead
[email protected]

Danny Burling
Sales Consultant
[email protected]

Contact Us

Get a hold of us today!

13677 W. 2400 Rd. Fontana, KS 66026

Ryan: 913-755-1431, Office: 913-757-3313

[email protected]

Get In Touch

Send us a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible.