
Livestock Nutrition to Livestock & Animal Health Consulting

Stonypoint Seed LLC > Livestock Nutrition to Livestock & Animal Health Consulting

Livestock & Animal Health Consulting

With the addition of Kaci Carter as our Sales Consultant-Livestock Health and Nutrition Lead gains a valuable opportunity to work with producers on a one on one basis. Kaci’s background includes recently graduating from Ohio State University in Animal Science and participating on the Collegiate Livestock Judging Team and consulting families in making feed and supplement changes to their herds. 

We will be launching an optional pilot program which will cover commercial and show livestock/equine. Here are the details of each program.

Show Animal/Equine Cost $10/Animal/ Month

  • 2 on farm/stable visits per month
  • Performance monitoring through Stock Show Pro
  • Ration changes on the fly- if it is time to make a ration change to your animals and you have some of the old feed or mineral left, we will take it back and trade you out.   Feed must be not stored directly in livestock proximity, packages must be clean, free of mice holes, and resale able. Must have been purchased within 30 days. 
  • 5% discounts on all show supplies through Weaver Livestock
  • Free non-bulk feed delivery included
  • It is all or none.  We will not be setting up a contract for one out of 10 show animals and then trading out feed. 

Commercial Cattle $.50/head/month

  • 1 on farm visit per month
  • Performance record keeping and body condition scoring
  • Herd Bull selection assistance
  • 5% discount on Vet products that are not on sale. 
  • Free mineral/bag feed delivery
  • 2 free hay samples per year
  • Calves count individually

Our people will maintain maximum biosecurity between operations. They will be expected to disinfect and wear plastic boots on farms if requested. 

All must be set up on ACH. Volume discounts available.

Contact Us

Get a hold of us today!

13677 W. 2400 Rd. Fontana, KS 66026

Ryan: 913-755-1431, Office: 913-757-3313

[email protected]

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